Every week, at Jackson’s school, there is a new letter. Last week it was P. They spend a week on that letter, talking about what sound it makes, how to write it, and the words that begin with it. They make collages out of pictures of things that begin with the letter P. We are supposed to talk about it a lot at home, and we do.
Every day, on the way to school, we try to name every word we can think of that begins with the letter. This week, it was party, purple, prayer, play, popcorn, puppy, and palace. After 5 days of doing this, you’d think that we would have covered them all.
Today, I was on the phone telling someone a funny story that involved someone throwing up in a public place. I didn’t think anyone else was listening to me. After I hung up, Jackson came running up to me and said, “Hey mom, we forgot one other word that starts with P. Puke starts with P, right Mommy?” That’s right baby, that’s right.