The Day After

20091101_2633cThe day after Halloween, these cuties came over for me to take some pictures. This is Ian, James and Orion, my nephews. They were so much more cooperative than my boys are when I want a picture of them together. They are fine on their own, but together, expect chaos. Not these guys. They did great. 20091101_2648Can you stand the cuteness?20091101_2753cwYou can always get a smile out of James, and the tie, oh my gosh, the tie!20091101_2716ceOrion’s and those blue eyes, so adorable.20091101_2682And finally, there’s Ian. He’s my step-brother’s mini me. He’s at the age where getting a natural smile out of him is next to impossible. No worries, we just replaced it with this little GQ model look he has going here.20091101_269920091101_2763ccAre we done yet???20091101_2724Thanks guys, and I hope you come back to visit real soon!