Lately, I’ve been so tired, that I just haven’t been able to get my act together enough to make a real blog post, much less, at my usual time. I blame it on the weather change, or maybe the wind blew the wrong way, who knows! Yesterday, as I was dragging through my 4:30 crash, I saw some pretty light on the stairs. I was too tired to worry with it, but when I noticed it the second time, I yelled for the only other person home with me, which was, you guessed it, my Jack Jack, to come partake in pretty light with me.
It’s not fair! It’s always me. I always have to come be in pretty light. Where is Christian? Why can’t he do it? I don’t want to think about my nostrils flaring. No, my chin should not be further down. Who cares about getting light in my eyes. You are scarring me for life. I’m going to talk about you and your stupid camera in therapy one day… Okay, he really didn’t say all that, but I did hear some rumbling about it being unfair. It really is a curse being so cute. I feel so sorry for him!