Last month the 3rd graders went to a farm in the boonies on a charter bus, and I got to go with them. The 3rd grade doesn’t have too much luck with field trips, but this one went pretty well. I did question the logic of allowing about 100 kids to play for an hour or so in a field that’s usually full of grazing cows. Amazingly, I only saw one poor child headed back to the barn to get the cow shit hosed off his back, so who am I to judge that decision? Feeding the baby cows was the coolest thing ever, not that I did it, but Jackson did, and it looked cool. The milking station was a little stinky, but amazing nonetheless. It made me think of breastfeeding, and I felt sorry for the milk cow that only got to spend a day or so with her baby cow, and how Jackson got to feed it, but she didn’t. Seriously, that’s sad. The smell kept my mind off the injustice of it all. The milk tasting made it seem a little more okay.
The best part for Jackson, well, apart from the cow feeding, was hanging with his friends.
He’s been so lucky to have 3 of his favorite friends in this class this year. I hope we are as fortunate next year. He didn’t roll in cow poop on his field trip, so we may be fresh out of good luck! We shall see!