The Art Show


Christian’s school had an art show tonight. It was from 5:00 to 7:00 and we were there at 4:50 to peruse the gorgeous artwork we were certain our kid could produce.  When we finally were let in his hall we were shown his beautiful underwater scene and narrative right beside his classroom. We oooohed and ahhhhed and were so impressed with his masterpiece. After a bit, we asked, “Okay, what next??” He just smiled and said,”Oh, that’s it, we only picked one, and that one was my favorite.” We stood around for a bit looking at the other kids pictures and I’m not sure about anyone else, but I was wondering why the hell they allotted two hours for an art show for one picture and what was the appropriate time to spend at an art show featuring only one piece of art you truly cared about. After standing around for awhile admiring his picture, Scott and I looked at each other and then at Christian. Scott said, “Ooo-kay, y’all ready?” Christian wanted to stay longer, but it had absolutely nothing to do with the art show. He could have cared less about that, he just wanted to see some of his friends. Does this mean I have to rule out a career for him in the arts???bb7