Ten on Tuesday

1.  I’m totally copying some bloggers I follow by doing a Ten on Tuesday, and I hope that is okay.

2. Christian is in the middle of All-Stars and had a really rough start. All his new-found confidence from this year had gone out the window and was replaced with tons of self-doubt and a kid that was so down on himself it was painful to watch.

3.  Tonight we played D’Iberville and Christian showed up. By the end of the game, which they won, my boy was smiling and seemed okay with his performance. It’s so much easier to watch when he is happy with himself. I don’t care if he strikes out every time, but to watch him beat himself up over it is torture. It was SO good to see a smile!

4. I finally got my birthday present, and I love, love, love it. I’m glad Scott finally convinced me to bite the bullet and get it. I didn’t need it, but it is so fun. If I’m MIA more than often, I’m probably playing with my iPad.

5. Jackson has discovered beanie weenies. I was beginning to wonder after his choking incident a couple months back if he was going to waste away and never eat again, but I know now that in a pinch, if there is no spaghetti, ribs, chicken nuggets or PB&J, beanie weenies are always a hit.

6.  I missed the 2 hour Deadliest Catch tonight. It was Phil’s last show, and I’ll be stalking the Discovery Channel the rest of the week. I love that show!

7.  On the way to the ball-field we stopped by the vet to pick up some stuff to give Fergie that will hopefully make her not stink so bad. Her google-eyes leak and it is so yucky I couldn’t take it another day. If this works and I could figure out a way to make her not shed, she’d be perfect. I’ll keep you updated on the status of her google-eyes and what comes out of them. It’s okay. You don’t have to thank me. Lulu is already perfect, so we are good there.

8. I’m going to the school tomorrow. I’m ashamed to admit that school starting is only a few weeks away, and I still haven’t picked up the boys report cards. They missed the last day, and I forgot about them. I’m an awesome Mom, always on top of everything. Don’t be jealous.

9. My kids took a pool bath tonight. Soap is overrated. Don’t judge.

10. I’ve officially completed my first Ten on Tuesday and you now know more about our week than you really bargained for. Posts are completely worthless without pictures, so here are a few of my man in his All-Star uniform.