Ten on Tuesday

1. I went to lunch at Phoenicia with some girlfriends and my Momma/girlfriend today for my birthday, and  it was so fun. Some of my very favorite people and food, what could be better? I ate so much I’m still full. Gotta love some Chicken Schwarma! I brought my camera, but I was either too busy talking or eating that I forgot to drag it out.

2. I’m ready for school to be over. Only 4 1/2 more days left. Did I mention I’m ready for it to be over? It’s probably because I’m ready for it to be over. I’m not the only one.

3. Christian’s team got put out of the tournament last night. In the words of an eleven year old, that game was pathetic. He was pretty dead on. They were 9 points ahead and somehow managed to turn it around and lose the game. He got over it quickly and was laughing before we left the field. The good part is with all the Field Days, field trips, tournaments, and end of the year celebrations, our evenings are once again free. Well, except that Jackson isn’t done with baseball and has two games to make up next week. At least it’s next week.

4. I have a new obsession, and it’s called Pinterest. All those great things you find on the internet, all saved in one convenient place. Be careful. It’s addictive!

5. Christian had Field Day yesterday. Hopefully I got some decent pictures of their day. I’ll let you know how that works out. A long day of playing and sun made for a tired kid and a tired Momma. The kid still managed to play a baseball game until 9:40 that night. Needless to say, tonight was an early night for everyone.

6. Did I mention that there are only 4 1/2 days of school left?

7. Christian’s class is still in the kickball tournament. They have a game tomorrow. Makes me wonder if maybe we couldn’t have done away with the last few days altogether. Then, of course, I wouldn’t get to spend a few mornings watching my baby co-captain a kickball team and I’ve enjoyed that, so scratch that one!

8. Scott went on a field trip with Jackson to Stennis Space Center today. He got to ride the big cheese wagon and be in charge of five 6 year olds all day long. He is one brave Daddy! When I got home, Jackson ran up to me and said, “Momma, I only fell asleep on the bus once on the way home.” Unfortunately, when Scott goes on a field trip, he does not take a camera. There will be no photos to mark this occasion.

9. I’m officially the only one still awake in the house, and I’m including the dogs. It’s been a fun but long week already, and it’s only Tuesday.

10. Did I mention that I’m ready for school to be over? Okay, just checking.