Nicole brought the boys over today and we took pictures of Cole all over the place. Cole is the first baby I’ve taken pictures of, except my own, with my trusty point and shoot. I was a nervous wreck, and these are my friends, lol. When I really want to take good pics, I can’t do it to save my life, oh, and I sweat profusely. What’s up with that? I had to steal some ideas from my friend Jeanelle of what to do with a baby. Thanks Jeanelle, you rock! I love her shots of babies in chairs, and turns out, that is my favorite picture from today. I think it’s kind of hard to mess up such a cute little man. He was very patient with us moving him twenty times and taking away his clothes, but there was NO way he was going to sleep for us. I don’t blame him, if someone did this to me, I would NOT be happy, much less asleep. He took it all in stride.
He is his big brother made over. I’ll have to get some shots of them together next time to prove it. Nicole promised she’d let me try again soon. Doesn’t that sweet little face make you want to breastfeed something? Is that just me?
Thanks Nicole for letting me play with your baby. Scott thanks you for providing me with plenty of baby time, too. I think he’s thinking it will get him off the hook. Here’s to hoping that works!!