Okay, so not a complete surprise, but in the dark about all the details, right??? Glenn was so proud he pulled it off, even though he really didn’t. This is my sister’s 50th birthday party, pulled together by all her great friends and her husband.
She was forced to wear funny hats and drink bloody marys. It was torture!
The party was at Naomi’s house, that’s her lovin’ on Donna.
Aunt Anna & Donna, deep in discussion over what I assume is a riveting conversation about manicures.
Glenn, David and buddies, who were entertainment for the night.
Pass the Jim Bleam!
Marjorie and Theresa, and I know I spelled Theresa wrong, but I’m pretty sure I got Marjorie’s right.
Mom and Dad, keeping us all in line. Okay, not really. I hate I didn’t get pictures of everyone but I think they all hide when they see me coming with my camera. Hope you had a great night Donna! Happy Birthday!