While the wind was still blowing from Isaac, we all ventured outside to check everything out. Isaac didn’t do too much damage here, but it had us stuck inside for 3 or 4 days, and if you know these boys, then you know that that’s just too damn long.
They were so happy to be outside, they hung out together and didn’t even flinch when I brought out the camera. Don’t you just love 3rd grade chicklet teeth? No worries, he’ll grow into them.
Jackson just loves him some Christian. Christian loves Jackson, too, he just isn’t quite as enthusiastic about it.
Enthusiasm is sometimes considered uncool to a 7th grader.
I’m glad he still sometimes let’s loose and plays a little.
Just as I see a glimpse of my little boy in there, the 7th grader emerges.
Most of the time, he’s a nice combination of the two, and I can’t complain.
Jackson loves either one.
Well, until he gets dumped on his head, then he might have a problem.