Our last day at the park was a pretty day. A pretty sunny day in June in Universal means that it was hot as hell. We were sweated down from the get go, but it didn’t stop us.
We started with the big roller coasters. We rode the Hulk first, but we were all on it, so there aren’t any pictures. The kids rode the big one next, the Rip Ride Rocket. I got some pics, but then they drug us on there, too.
Michele and I only rode once, but they rode 4 more times after that. They also came back after dark and rode it a few more times. Definitely their favorite ride overall.
We ate then headed back to the park until they kicked us out at closing. Initially, I wasn’t jazzed about Universal, I mean away from home, crowds and unbearable heat… but honestly, how many times do recent graduates invite their parents and little brother on their senior trip with them. How could we ever say no to that? And don’t even get me started on how much fun we had!