The boys went with Maw Maw & Paw Paw to eat and the arcade, so Scott and I do what any parents left kid-less on a Friday night do, we rode around the neighborhood on the 4-wheeler with a glass of wine, for me at least. What? You don’t do that? Is that weird? We watched the alligator for 20 minutes with his top half underwater. I think he’s dead or something. I’m going to check tomorrow. Then Scott took me to the lot that he knows I want and I took some pictures.
I mean, how can you not want that… just a little?
The sun was setting, and the moon was rising… perfect time of day.
On of our neighbors called to check on us, and asked if that was me hanging on the back of the 4-wheeler. When Scott said yes, he awarded us something better than the Yard of the Month tulip, we are officially the Rednecks of the Month! I hope this honor comes with a sign to stick in my front yard.