Three years ago, I took this picture. It’s still ranks up there as one of my all-time favorites. Christian has always been a reader, but the Warrior series really peaked his interest. He had 75 AR points the first semester of 4th grade thanks to them. Jackson would always read his assignments, and meet all his AR requirements, but rarely did he go above and beyond. He was a great reader, but he would pick out these books that were so far above his level that he’d lose interest after the first few chapters. Then, he picked up one of Christian’s Warrior books, and the rest is history. Every night we have to mute the TV, or go up in my bed and read for an hour or two, even on the weekends. If he can’t get us to be quiet enough, he’ll go hole up in the guest room, or his bedroom and read. He’s finished two in the last week!
I always knew he was a reader just like the rest of us, but the thanks for showing him that really should go to Erin Hunter for writing books that keep both my kids so enthralled. It doesn’t hurt that they are worth about 11 AR points each, and my Jack Smack is all about getting some points. Well, I guess I better go turn off my muted television and get some rest. He starts book 6 tomorrow!