Scott had surgery last week to remove all the hardware in his leg. His screws were backing out and causing some problems. While it wasn’t anything near what he went through last October, it couldn’t have been pleasant. He didn’t let it get him down. He’s not the best patient, no, that’s an understatement, he’s a nightmare of a patient. When he’s supposed to be elevating and icing it, he’s up walking around acting like he didn’t have surgery 3 hours ago. When they say don’t remove the bandage for 2 or 3 days, he removes it after 24 hours. When he should be taking something for pain, he refuses. He follows his own rules. It’s not a good thing, just the facts. He decided immediately to cancel his appointment to get his stitches out and opted for a home removal. He has this dream that one of his boys will someday be a doctor. Although both have told him that it isn’t an option, he still has hope. He asked all of us over the last week if we’d remove the stitches and we all responded with a firm, “NO!” A couple nights ago, a few days earlier than scheduled, he decided to take matters into his own hands, knowing good and well, he’d need help. Jackson was there and willing.
Jack Smack was focused and confident, and didn’t get dizzy once.
There was one that was a little hard to grasp, but he managed just fine.
So, the stitches are gone, early of course, and Scott is happy. I know his happiness is partly due to the fact that he is done with all this mess, but he seems almost giddy that his dream of a doctor in the family doesn’t seem so far-fetched.