It’s that time again. We are back at the baseball field fighting gnats and sitting on bleachers. While Scott and Jackson were having a scrimmage on the T-ball field, Christian was warming up with his team for their scrimmage. Unfortunately, the other team never showed so they just had a 2 hour warm up! Christian played every infield position, but I was most excited over 1st base. He never plays first, and that was my position.
I was wondering if his new teammates would wonder what the hell this lady was doing with this big ole camera out at practice, but I only heard one kid laugh and call me the paparazzi. Fortunately, Christian never flinched. He’s so used to his weird Momma and her big camera. I asked later if I was an utter embarrassment, and he was very convincing telling me how it didn’t bother him in the least. I’ve decided, either he’s completely comfortable with my craziness, or he’s really good at hiding his shame.