I’m going to tell ya right now, if you are easily offended, even the tiniest bit squeamish, or prone to acid reflux… turn away. Okay, those with acid reflux can stay, but the rest of you, exit now. Move along. Seriously, come back another day, because this is gonna be offensive on so many levels.Scott broke his leg and dislocated his ankle early Saturday morning. He woke up at 4:30 to get some water and decided he needed some ice. Something happened on one of the first couple steps and he fell. He didn’t fall far, but that leg was somehow rolled underneath him and all his weight came down on top of it. Oh-em-gee! It was gross. His foot was turned one way, and a bone or some craziness was sticking out another. Somehow he drug himself the rest of the way down the stairs, and he leaned on me and hopped his floppy foot to the car. Laura came over and stayed with the boys who, thank goodness, slept through the whole ordeal. By the time we got to the hospital, the toes were turning purple and they knew they were going to have to pull or pop or whatever it back into place to get the blood flowing down there again. They drugged him up and proceeded to twisting on it. Seriously… how do people do that? It was awful. I’m so thankful he doesn’t remember a thing about that part. I missed some of it, but will never forget the few minutes I witnessed. They basically got him duct taped back together and sent him home with meds and instructions to call the surgeon Monday. On the way out, the male nurse told him how most men don’t do too well with his kind of injury, and he was his new hero. So, we made it home and are going to the Doctor early in the week. Surgery will most likely be at the end of the week. In the meantime, he’s patched together and going on mostly like nothing happened, trying to ignore the crunchy feeling of his bones and burning where everything was torn and pulled apart. It’s going to be a long road, and I think this is how he feels about it.
Told you this was inappropriate. So here’s the part where I tell you, if you don’t want to see it, don’t scroll down, seriously, don’t. Laura took this with her cell phone while I gathered together our necessities. It doesn’t come close to showing you how yucky it looked, but you’ll get a pretty good idea.
The moral of the story is, ice just isn’t that important. Or something like that.