We have the sweetest and most beautiful dogs in the entire world. This is Lulu, and I have posted this picture once before, but I had to bust it out again to show you just how beautiful and sweet she really is before I tell you what she did. Keep in mind, she is a family dog, that loves to be with us… all.the.time! Lucky for her, there is usually always someone home so that she is NEVER left outside, unless playing, and rarely ever has to get in her kennel. She has full run of our house, and is always by someone’s side, ours or the kids, either will do. If we have to go somewhere, she gets to go stay with Sandra (her second Mommy, I’m her third, Sizzle is her first) and her brother, mother and six other Ridgebacks. She LOVES it. So basically, what I’m getting at, is usually life is pretty darn good. Well, this weekend we had a tournament and she had to spend about 4 hours Saturday and 5 hours Sunday, in a kennel. That is just unheard of!!! So, I’m thinking, she’s not all that jazzed about this and is wondering what the hell is going on with us. I’m also thinking that these questions in her mind are manifesting themselves as holes in my furniture.
Here is a picture of the hole she started chewing out of the front of the boy’s toy box. Not the corner, not the top, out of the center panel of the FRONT of the toy box. Yeah, SERIOUSLY! She wasn’t even alone, but laying right next to the boys by the couch. This morning, during the boys getting up ritual of watching Sponge Bob on the floor before making it to the kitchen for breakfast, we had another uh-oh. Jackson was laying with his head back on the floor, and she was pawing at him, which she does, and is absolutely adorable. This time, though, she decided to get up and stepped right on his eye. I was right there, he didn’t sit on her, didn’t touch her, just was entranced in some Sponge Bob, and got stepped on. Luckily it was just a scratch. Same thing happened to me when I was his age, except it involved me watching Tom & Jerry and our Doberman wanting a sandwich in my mom’s bag.
Needless to say, we had to put Lulu outside for a bit while the tears passed. She didn’t seem to mind much. Sooooooo, new rules at our house… bones must be upstairs and down and available for chewing at ALL times, which I think was already in practice. No laying on the floor to watch TV, because my girl has her some huge ole paws, and last, no leaving Lulu for 4 or 5 hours for any reason ever again. It just hurts her feelings way too much. I’m not promising on the last one, but we will do our best. You may come in now.