These pictures were taken a few weeks ago of some of the kids in our neighborhood. Does our neighborhood have good looking kids or what? And this isn’t even close to all of them!!! Serious face…
Christian is the oldest, and Jackson is the youngest. Little do these kids know, they’ll most likely be friends forever. It’s like extended brothers and sisters. I’m sure there will be many disagreements but they have grown up together, and they will always have that connection.
I think it’s pretty cool to have made so many memories together.I remember Christian and Grant taking music together when they were two. I remember Anne Marie breaking her arm on the trampoline. I remember Andrew and Mitchell moving in and us being so excited that we had more boys. I remember us all praying for Emma after her accident and how happy we were watching her awesome recovery . I remember William running to get us when Christian ripped his knee open, and worrying about him at the hospital. This isn’t a neighborhood picture, there are too many faces missing, but it definitely reminds me how much I love where I live. I’m sure my kids feel the same exact way.