99 Club

We got this in the mail last week. Jackson was adamant that he would not be participating, but what an honor??? He did wear his shirt to get in the game free. When they all were called to the field, Jackson didn’t get up, but one of the administrators was sitting behind him. She told him to go. When he told her that he wasn’t going to participate, she prodded him along and said he should be proud and would enjoy it. He actually went!When he told me later, I was so sad that we missed it. He said, “Seriously mom, you wouldn’t have been more proud!” I guess he is correct, because I couldn’t be more proud of him if I tried.


House Guest

We’ve got an extra dog for a bit, and he’s fitting right in!

Dolphin Cruise

Scott took me for another dolphin cruise last week, and they were EVERYWHERE! I took 450 pictures. These are my absolute favorites! At first I thought they were just playing, then I thought they were mating. After some googling when we got home, mating it was! Turns out, I’ll watch dolphins do anything!