Polar Express Stop 3

Our neighbors kids had a Polar Express birthday party and we were one of the stops. We handed out treat bags with train whistles, jingle bell necklaces and suckers maybe? It’s been so long I can’t remember the third thing. Scott and Christian had just made it home from hunting, so I enlisted all these weirdos for help.Scott liked the train whistles more than the kids!

Flashback Friday

Flashing back about 13 years maybe?? And yes, I know it’s Valentine’s Day today, and I’ve flashed back to Halloween, but there is a lot of red and a lot of love! Who are these young skinny people?????

Finally, Someone to Help Jackson with his Homework

Christian’s finished with school for the semester, then met Scott to go hunting for a few days. They made it home just in time for Christian to help Jackson with his math homework. Thank goodness, because Scott and I can’t swing it. There is nothing quite like having everyone under one roof. Fergie agrees, wholeheartedly!

Watercolor Wednesday

I painted a picture of my cousin Kerrie and her husband. He passed unexpectedly last month. I was out of town for the service, but wanted her to know I was thinking about her. I warned her before I sent it that I was an amateur, but she didn’t care. She loved it. She told me that the gesture reminded her of something my grandmother would do. Best compliment E-VAH!!!!

Making Gumbo

For the last few years, I have made the gumbo for Christmas. I take the opportunity to fill my freezer. Scott and Christian were hunting, but Jackson helped me a little on the 4th batch. I’m teaching him my Momma’s ways.
I know it’s a mess, but there is a method to my madness. And the end result is so worth it!