While we were in Sandestin for Mardi Gras, it was warm enough for a little golf cart time. Scott took me to all my favorite spots that I’ve missed.
While we were in Sandestin for Mardi Gras, it was warm enough for a little golf cart time. Scott took me to all my favorite spots that I’ve missed.
This year, Sandestin combined the dog parade and the golf cart parade. There hadn’t been enough participation in the past couple years to warrant two. Colleen brought Kingston for the festivities. I’m not sure why, but we are obsessed with the dog parade. I seriously fall in love with almost every dog I see, and our pups love it just as much.
The guys are having a blast!
Wyatt calls bullshit on all this.
This is the best float of the day!
Fergie had to get down to cash in on all the dog treats thrown. One float threw Hershey kisses during a dog parade, which was an odd choice, but we were able to clean the area up quickly and not kill any of our dogs.
It was Kingston’s first time, and I think he was a big fan!
Flashing back to Thanksgiving day and an almost 6 month old Jackson about to get all up in Granny’s hair.
They are officially friends, and it is just adorable.
Not going to art class, so not making much progress, but this is what I am working on. I’ll finish it one day!