One day on the porch, and we moved Stephen in. He adjusted quite nicely.
So did we!
We enjoyed having two dogs again, and hopefully we will again, soon!
One day on the porch, and we moved Stephen in. He adjusted quite nicely.
So did we!
We enjoyed having two dogs again, and hopefully we will again, soon!
Remember back in the day when these two would go snapper fishing? Yeah, that still happens!
Back in May, Christian was pulling into our neighborhood late one night, when a dog ran in front of his truck. He rushed home and enlisted me to ride back down there with him to check on the dog. I resisted. A lot of lost or dumped dogs turn up out here, and I seem to get especially attached. This case was no different. I, of course, went with him, and this is the sweet pup we found. Christian convinced me we had to bring him home. He didn’t want to get in the truck, so they walked back together and I drove the truck. He slept the first night on our back porch, and we all fell in love. Everyone that met him fell in love, too. We estimated him to be about a year to 18 months, part Golden Retriever, part German Shepard. There was no microchip, and no one looking for him in the area. He was house-broken, laid back, extremely well behaved, surprisingly didn’t shed much, and let us love on him as much as we wanted. At the time, we already had Fergie and a new puppy cooking. Three dogs is just too many for us, so we knew we had to find him a home, not that we really wanted to.
Every time we thought we found him a place, it fell through. I was ready to just keep him and let the chips fall where they may, when a friend of Jackson’s parents reached out because of a Facebook post. After 7 days with us, and at least 10 different names we called him, we found him a forever home. So, Buddy, aka Bear, Dobby, and Stephen, now has an official family that adores him and a new name.
They call him Beau, but we will miss Stephen forever!
Flashing back almost 70 years for this one. This is my grandmother with all three of her children in San Fransisco. My dad is the youngest on the top, Allan is in the middle, and Aunt Joanna is in the red. Grandma looks like she is making a duck face. If only she was giving the peace sign, she could have put it on Instagram.
Name something better in the entire world than a beach/pool day? It’s ok, I’ll wait…