Father’s Day Brunch

We decided to go eat breakfast at the Sunset Bay Cafe in Sandestin for Scott’s Father’s Day. We had a long wait, so we wandered around the hotel letting Wyatt have the run of the place. We found this room at the end of the hall that was empty, so we turned the air-conditioning down and let him go. Not a bad way to wait!We had an amazing breakfast, Wyatt pooped at the table, and Scott’s entire day was made!!!

A Little iPhone Random

Every once in awhile, I look through all the pictures on my phone. These are a few of those jewels. We had lunch at the beach club and the boys looked cute.In the spring, I got my hair highlighted for the first time in over 16 years and I sent Colleen a mirror selfie to prove it. I don’t know what face I’m making… it’s a cross between I like it, and I’m not sure.Jackson was randomly flexing after his shower, and I felt the need to document his new hair and his muscles. You are welcome!

Big Changes

We went back to Mississippi the day after Jackson’s 16th birthday so he could get his driver’s license. While he was there, he decided to cut all his hair off. I love it, but I was not ready!!! We even got to see Mawmaw & Pawpaw for a minute. This is the closest we’ve been to them since quarantining began!!!Here are some iPhone pictures after the license and after the haircut… It was a really big day!