Fergie wants to be in the middle of it all, and who can blame her? They guys were playing basketball and she wanted in the back of the truck to supervise. She saw me walk over to the freezer and I could see the excitement in her eyes. ICE!?!?!? Please????I couldn’t walk anywhere even remotely in the direction of the freezer without getting this look.We gave her all the ice that day.
All this school starting has me flashing back to about 1978 on my very first day of 1st grade. I was walking to school from Grandma’s. The neighborhood girls were all a year or 2 older than me and all that time I’d watch them from my window leaving each morning. This was the first time I was able to go. I was so excited I couldn’t even stand still long enough for a picture. That is Sissy Godfrey, Jane Elizabeth Ezell, Beth Gallaspy, and of course me, the blurry one.
I can’t believe it, first that my baby is a junior in high school, and second, that they actually let them go back to school while at the same time calling for a 2 week lock down due to Covid. Only work and school, no funerals, no gatherings, and no restaurants, etc. Christian says that must mean germs don’t bother you when you are learning. Cool! Don’t get me wrong, I’m fine with school starting back, just don’t have the governor on the news for 2 hours telling you you can’t go anywhere for two weeks the day before your kid is headed back to school. It’s easy to complain. I don’t have to make any hard decisions, and I’m ok with whatever they choose. I just wish they would make sense while explaining the decisions. Ok, I’ll shut up now. This one is so happy to be going back. He starts the International Baccalaureate program this year and will have a pretty busy schedule. We had to do the backpack picture, even though he didn’t want a new backpack and this is the same one from last year.He looks annoyed, but he was so cooperative. Masks are required all day. Sounds fun, right? And then guess what happened next…He just drove away.
I haven’t been to art class since March, which means I haven’t painted since then as well. I miss my ladies in class mostly, but I also missed painting. I decided to turn my unused dining room into my own little art class, and it worked. I started painting a little. Maybe I’ll have something finished in a few months!