Still Day 3

This was the last day Deebo was with us before getting really sick. He had thrown up a couple times the 2nd night here, but I just thought it was nerves or a new treat, but this night, we were up all night with a sick puppy. Scott made an appointment first thing, and we rushed him in. He was a really sick pup, and ended up spending a week in the doggie hospital. Fergie did not miss him, much.It’s been a roller-coaster since he got here, but he’s home again and recovered. Fergie is still adjusting.

Day 3

Not to worry, I won’t go day by day for his entire life… maybe. On day 3, he was introduced to the pool. Fergie kept her distance because she is not a fan. She did want to watch, though. Ridgebacks aren’t known for their love of water, but we always introduce it, just in case. Lulu didn’t like it, but Deebo is undecided. This is him running towards us after he got out the first time. He wasn’t shaking or scared. There were plenty of treats, and I’m convinced he’d walk through hell for food, but I think he liked it a little.He does look a little panicked swimming, but he came back for more after this.We may make a water dog out of him yet.

Flashback Friday

I’m sure I’ve posted these before, but in honor of all the ridgeback puppy love, I’m flashing back to Lulu’s first day with us. Christian was also at school on this day, just like with Deebo. We got Lulu at 12 weeks instead of 8, so she was bigger. They are so different…but so much the same.

Day 2 With Deebo

I feel like I should warn you, if you don’t want to see puppy pictures, you might not want to visit Peepadeedle for say, the next six months.Hang on, can you take Fergie with you? She is so unimpressed.We are all in love. Tired. But in love.It’s like having a newborn without the aid of a diaper.I ain’t even mad.He loves him some Jackson!And Scott!And Colleen! He was scared of Kingston at first, but he warmed up quickly.He stalks Fergs.This may be the reason she wants to ship him back to his first Momma.Night 2 was very little crying and only one 3 am potty break. We are progressing!