Flashing back to 2008 for this bossy pants, telling us what to do since 2004.
Flashing back to 2008 for this bossy pants, telling us what to do since 2004.
As usual, I am so behind posting. Christian’s 21st birthday was in November. We didn’t get to spend his actual day with him, but we spent the first few days he was home from school making up for it. First, there are presents. His big present was the PS5, which is next to impossible to get. I stayed up half the night and refreshed 6 websites over and over, and miraculously got one. He knew that chances were slim, so he was very surprised when he opened it.
Deebo was interested, but unimpressed.
Jackson was just a little happy to have his big brother home.
More celebrating to come…
So, we had to cut down a tree not too long ago and we didn’t get them to grind down the stump. Instead, we decided we’d just burn it until it goes away. Basically, we made it into a fire pit, in our front yard by the driveway, and I love it! We pull our ATV, lawn chairs, ice chests, and buckets out there and sit around doing nothing for hours.
Jackson and Shelby watched the stump with us this night.
I’ve decided that in 15 years or so when the stump finally burns into oblivion, I’m going to turn it into a real fire pit. Well, Scott is, I’m just gonna watch. I’m sure there will still be lawn chairs and buckets, I mean, if we are lucky.
12 years later, and I’m still doing the same thing. I swear, our decorations haven’t changed a bit, but I’ve aged like nobody’s business!