Instead of Flashback Friday this week, we are doing an iPhone dump. I rarely get pictures of Christian during the school year, but he manages to send a few, and I keep some of the Snapchats. This is a 70’s date party…
Here’s Deebo snuggling up to Scott as we ride down the beach.
Here Jackson and I are at his first weekend doing service at St. Vincent de Paul. I went with him because it’s my old church and I did some service here when I was his age.
Sometimes he buys things.
Here is a Snapchat, and I have no idea the context…
Deebo decided he wanted to snuggle with me out in the sun. It wasn’t hot or anything.
He got his own chair this time.
This must be before another date party…
A few more Snapchats with unknown context…
Jackson and Scott went up for Junior Preview day, and they watched the baseball game at the bar where even though Jackson looks drunk, he is not…
Another day at St. Vincent, and this time we got to work with Isabelle, one of my long time friend’s kid. They are Brad’s second family, so we sent him lots of selfies.
More unknown context… you get the idea. Guess that about covers it!