Oh, I didn’t forget the silhouettes. It’s my jam.
Oh, I didn’t forget the silhouettes. It’s my jam.
Ok, I don’t really know how many visits we’ve made to this spot, but I have loved every one of them.
The sunsets don’t hurt either.
One afternoon we walked out on the golf course at peak golf playing time and didn’t see a single golfer on any of the 4 or 5 holes we can see from our back yard. It was weird, but we decided to take advantage. Deebo loves it out there.
The birds were even out enjoying the lull.
Finally, the golfers showed back up, and we all poked our heads back in our houses.
The only thing better in my mind than a beach day, is watching Wyatt swim in the ocean while it’s happening!
Smile Wyatt!!
Oh yeah, that’s perfect!
Swimming to Uncle Cecil from the South Side…
Look at that boy go!
He really likes my water camera housing.
He also likes riding the baby waves.
Uncle Cecil is entertaining, too.
I always love a beach day!
A few days later, Jackson was scheduled a little earlier than usual. He figured he must be prepping, and he and I got up at 5:30. I saw a sunrise. I drove him over there soooo early. I was going to get doughnuts, but they weren’t even open yet. I dropped him off and before I could make it back across 98 he called me to come back. He read the schedule wrong and didn’t have to be there for awhile. The rest of the day I was a zombie…
but there were more doughnuts.