Bay Fishing

Clay had to leave towards the end of the week, so Jackson was stuck with us. He worked a few days over at Maple Street, and he used his sunset time wisely…. fishing.

Deebo sat on the shore, not very patiently I might add, waiting for him to be done.Oh, he was so happy to have him back!Bringing home the bacon literally and figuratively is exhausting.

Bay Fishing and Sunsets

The water is still pretty chilly in mid-April, but it didn’t stop Jackson and Clay. Deebo was NOT getting his toes wet if he could help it.He is not a water dog, that is for sure.The later it got, the chillier it got.They powered through so I could watch the sunset.It may look like they are loving on Deebo, but they may just be trying to warm up.Deebo ran around like a butt monkey. He may hate the water, but the sand isn’t too bad.