And Then He Was a High School Graduate

We met up with Jackson in front of the coliseum and took a few pictures to commemorate the occasion. I feel like we have done this before recently.Lindsay got some love.Brad was there to give him a hard time.More family pics…
Had to get a shot with his future Ole Miss roommate, Brady.


Graduation was over so late that nothing was open for dinner and we were all STARVING. You know what we did. We had dinner with our people, and honestly, I feel like it probably shouldn’t have happened any other way.

2022 Graduation

Here we go, our last Ocean Springs graduation for one of our kids. He ended it on a high note. Out of  roughly 425 graduates, Jackson was number 4. FOUR! I’m still not over it.I think the top 10% sit in order. Something like that.I love that the photographer caught Jackson most likely Snapchatting his ridiculous family.Ohemgee, he looked right at me!He hurled that thing so hard, he lost his tassel. He also gave away his cords to his friends that didn’t have them since he couldn’t wear all of them. He didn’t get them back after it was over, so I guess he’s not really too big on keepsakes.Congratulations class of 2022! I know you are going to do really big things, Jackson. We will always be your biggest fans!

Flashback Friday

This picture has been on here before, but I had to dust it off and break it out again. The little boy with Jackson is Charlie. He and his twin brother David were Jackson’s best friends in preschool. They lived in Vancleave, so when it was time for kindergarten, they were split up and time marched on. Jackson went to a graduation party way up in North Vancleave, and told me that he ran into Charlie. He said they took a picture, but Charlie had it, not him. A few days later, I messaged their mom telling her that I had been on her street picking Jackson up from a party in the middle of the night where he ran into Charlie. She immediately sent me this, and something about it makes me so extremely happy!

Getting Ready for Graduation

My baby looked so handsome for graduation. I had to get some pictures really early before he had to head over to the coliseum for practice. I liked it better when they practiced the day or so before the event and we were able to go to dinner as a family before graduation. Well, too damn bad. Ocean Springs rule makers thrive on the nonsensical and inconvenient, and occasionally the downright inconsiderate. Am I the only one that thinks that? No matter, this was his last day.

He’s headed out of there on a high note, with the support of his family,

and extremely high honors. Although, he was only allowed to wear 2 of his cords and 1 of his pins during the ceremony, even though he earned many more. Did I mention the ridiculousness? Moving on…

Thank goodness he got there hours early for practice. I don’t know how long they sat in this room in their fancy clothes wilting. I love it when a plan comes together. 

Fergie’s Seasonal Chair

Ok, hear me out. I love seasonal stuff, pillows, hand towels, etc, and apparently I collect a little. I’ll try to remember to post some of it. It isn’t relegated to only the chair, but that’s where it starts. I think the lemons were for the beginning of summer. I’ll keep you updated on the growing collection.