All Settled In

Christian is all moved in. He still has some little things to get, but the majority of it is done. I didn’t take any pictures of their living room because when I was there it was just a sectional and a tv on the floor. The other boys’ families were coming the day I left, but Beau already had the door mat out and ready. Christian finds this hilarious. This is right outside Christian’s room. There is access to the front porch, and it’s a perfect spot to store clubs. Maybe, maybe not. Christian made fun of me for buying a throw pillow but he did like the cozy throw.I know it seems silly to take a picture of his bathroom, but after using the community bathrooms at the dorm for a year, having his own is probably a pretty big deal. He brought one of the duck paintings that Mawmaw did for him,and he couldn’t forget his little dorm fridge.Kodak Black watches over you in the bathroom, and Colonel Reb looks out for you while you sleep.He looks a little worried over the terms of his lease and the rules of the complex,but I think he’s settled in just fine.Here’s to a successful sophomore year! We miss him already!

Watercolor Wednesday

No, I did not get better, lol. This is a painting my Momma did. Jackson requested a gorilla, and I knew good and well that I wasn’t capable, so I enlisted someone I knew that was! It’s already framed and in his room, and he loves it! Thanks, Momma!

King of His Castle

Well, we got this guy all moved into his first apartment, and I think he is going to love it. Pictures of the inside to come!

And He’s Home

Well, he survived the first day of the 10th grade. It wasn’t the best, it wasn’t the worst, but he made it. Hoping for a great year!

Flashback Friday

First, we are flashing way, way back, back before my time to my 3 year old grandmother. Wasn’t she a little cutie? I was thinking about her the other day and came across these pictures cleaning out my desk a few days later. The one below is her in our swing at the beach park in Pascagoula in October of 1982. She took me to the park a lot, and we always ended our trips in this swing looking out at the gulf. I swear, I can still feel the cold metal, hear the creaking of the swing as we glided, and smell the salty beach air. I can’t quite wrap my head around that feeling though, it’s as blurry as the picture. I just know it was good. I sure do miss this sweet lady! I suddenly have a desire to swing by the sea.