Flashback Friday

Flashing back to July of 2005 for this little nugget. I sure do miss the boys enjoying playing inside a cardboard box for hours. Notice Jackson’s little one year old face up there in the corner trying to see what his big brother was up to… Aren’t big brothers the coolest?

After His Run

I sure love this sweet sweaty boy of mine!

They Did it Again!

They opened up Snapper season for another weekend, so these guys took advantage of it!

More Birthday Fun

After lunch, we spent some time floating. I felt like it was my birthday!Then, they decided we needed a little shopping time. I barely even complained. On our way home, we caught a rainbow right over our exit directing us home.I don’t know, seems like a pretty perfect celebration of my Mom, might even be my most favorite of her birthdays yet! Hopefully she enjoyed it as much as I did!

Happy Birthday, Momma

Momma turned 76 on Labor Day! My guys were at Uncle David’s for opening weekend, so we mostly had a girls day. We let Daddy come eat some lunch, but otherwise, it was just me, Momma, and Donna. More birthday pictures to come!