I knew as soon as I saw the theme for this month was Out of Focus that I wanted slightly overexposed pics of the boys walking on the beach. The problem was, we never made it to the beach! It’s a tragedy! I feel like every month, my posts all have the same setting. My apologies for the overload of Graveline Bay, but I love this spot, and I take many, many photos here. I’ll start with just a tiny bit in focus. I liked this. I have the need to be able to tell what the out of focus bits are, and the marsh grass gives me some context, although, I’m sure I’d recognize this spot with my eyes closed.Now, how about my kayaking boy and his sunset?
I’m not sure why I felt like out of focus images needed water, but everything is better in my opinion with water. I’m weird like that.
I tried just slightly out of focus of Christian getting his fishing stuff ready, I wasn’t a fan. I think it just looks like I missed focus rather than something intentional. Maybe I need it to be more in your face if it’s gonna work for me. As Scott says, if you’re gonna be a bear, be a grizzly! I’ll keep that in mind.
Now, for a comparison, I’ve added an in focus image of the same setting. I love the dreamy abstract effect of the extreme out of focus shots, but I love seeing things clearly, too. Now, head on over to Cary’s blog to see her take on Out of Focus.