Opening Ceremonies are usually a long and painful process, but this year they seemed to fly by. Maybe it’s because it’s Christian’s last year of league, or maybe they didn’t talk quite as much, who knows. Garrett did the players’ pledge. We were in the dugout waiting patiently for pictures.
Christian waited for Daddy to have a coaches meeting after the ceremony. He wasn’t quite as patient.
Let the games begin. The A’s were doing fantastic. Christian was pitching really well.
After a really bad call that was in our favor, everything fell apart.
They ended up losing 6 to 4.
We were about 3o minutes late to Jackson’s game, but I got there in time to see him bat,
which went well.
It was such a good game. Thomas made some awesome plays at third.
Jackson still has an awesome game face.
Jonathan had a few fantastic hits, this one was a homerun! He wasn’t happy or anything.
The boys did so good, but at the very end, they lost by 1. So, even though, we were a little sad to be out of the tournament, the up side is that our Sunday is free, and we can’t be too sad about that!