Open House

20080821_0416Last night was Curriculum Night for 3rd graders. We got to hear all about what Christian does each day without us. They started with a little information on PTO, which I happen to volunteer for, without being an official member. I just don’t see myself ever making a meeting. I hate meetings, and I hope to never attend one again in my life. I’ll let you know how that works out for me. The Superintendent of Ocean Springs schools went over the school bond issue, which we will vote on in September. That was pretty interesting, unexpected, but interesting. Finally, we made it to the classroom. We sat in the very back, and plundered through Christian’s things just a bit. What does that say about us as parents? I’m not sure. I really do love his teacher. I think she’s going to be the perfect person to get us all through the 3rd grade, because I’m not sure if you know, but 3rd grade is a WHOLE NEW WORLD. We aren’t dealing with little kids here anymore, or so I’ve been told. Hey, Scott, quit taking colors and pencils out of your son’s crayon box. Yeah, we are NOT dealing with little kids here anymore!