We were able to hook up with the Hillman’s in Destin, which was really nice since we haven’t had the chance to spend much time with them since they moved. Our whole day was spent wearing swimsuits, and sipping on umbrella drinks next to various bodies of water. Well, the parents sipped on boat drinks, the kids stuck to water, juice boxes and soft drinks.
Christian and Austin have been friends since they were babies, and Audrey and Jackson were planned at the same time. There was even a contract, which I know doesn’t make sense, but it’s true and still stuck in our safe.
Christian stops, Jackson bumps into him. I looked for old pictures of Christian and Austin, but apparently that was before I went digital, and I didn’t want to dig through pictures, so we only have a recent one.
Audrey and Jackson, on the other hand, were around in my digital age. Please don’t mention this picture to them, they’ll die of embarrassment on the spot.
They are both still adorable.
The kids spent the rest of the day fishing, eating pizza, and playing.
It was such a good day!