I live in a subdivision, and it is not a farming community. We do have wildlife out here; deer, gators, fox, rabbits, etc. etc, but never once have I seen a chicken. That is, until yesterday. The boys were both playing at a neighbor’s house so it was all quiet and nice, and then a chicken walked by my back door. I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me, so I grabbed my camera and ran to check it out. Sure enough, it was a chicken. IN MY BACKYARD! Turns out, chickens do NOT like me. Anytime I got close, she got all frantic and clucky and hauled ass. I managed to snap a couple of blurry pictures before she darted out the back fence. I called Scott and my neighbor, and I think they both thought I was crazy.
Later, Scott went in the garage to close up for the night. He came back in yelling for me to come see something. I guess little miss clucky pants couldn’t live without me and came back for another visit. At least I got to prove that she did exist. Scott had to remove the chicken from above the freezer, which was a moment in itself. My new friend made a beeline for my neighbor’s back door and proceeded to jump up to the glass and flap her wings against the window. I couldn’t resist. I texted my neighbor… Hey, I know this may sound weird, but there is a chicken trying to get in your garage door. She’s already been here, and I just wanted to let you know. Love, Christi