The boys had their first basketball games last night. Let me just get this out there, we are not a basketball family. Scott and I know next to nothing about basketball, so the fact that we can’t give guidance, is to say the least, difficult. Truthfully, it’s probably a blessing to the boys, but I wasn’t really looking forward to the games. A sport I don’t understand, didn’t sound like much fun. I was so, so wrong.
We did manage to find a solid white t-shirt for Christian after we realized they had pictures, and he didn’t really need to be sporting an Isle of Capri tee peeking our of his jersey, not that he was concerned.
He was a little worried about sucking, since he got such a late start in this sport, but Jackson was nothing but excited.
Can you tell that Jackson tries to be just like his big brother?
Jackson’s game was first, and he got the whistle blown on him within 20 seconds. I was worried.
Then he started getting rebounds, passing and stealing the ball. Then it happened…
He scored a goal, or a basket, or 2 points, or whatever you call it, and I could tell he was good at this sport I knew nothing about, and he loved it.
And while my butt and back begged for mercy from the bleachers, my heart swelled, and basketball seemed less stupid.
Still confusing as hell to me, but much less stupid. They won 14 to 9.
Christian had the late game. Scott and I could tell he was nervous. He was doing his nervous walk.
But, then the game started, and his nervous walk disappeared. He scored once.
Then he scored again.
And again. And we all wondered why he waited to start playing until now. Basketball seemed even less stupid.
And in that 4th hour of sitting on those unforgiving and torturous bleachers, I figured some things out. I don’t know what to call it when they make a shot, and I seriously don’t know why they are blowing the whistle most of the time, and traveling, well, I may never figure that one out, but basketball games are really, really fun, and not stupid at all! Hopefully over the course of the season, I’ll seem less stupid, but all kidding aside, I can’t make any promises!