Every once in awhile one my kids will do something so unexpected and so out of their comfort zone, they surprise the crap out of me. Jackson, the most bashful kid in the WORLD, signing up for a speaking part every year in the school play is on this list. Well, he’s done it again. This time, he has signed up to take Hip Hop dance classes. One day he came home and told me that he wanted to dance on TV, but he didn’t want to take lessons or anything, he just wanted it to happen. I told him that those kind of things don’t usually just happen and you have to learn somehow. An idea was born. He wanted to take that class and he wanted me to find it. I figured he’d forget about it and move on like he does with most things, but no, a couple days later, he asked if I had found his class. I had by the end of the day.
I still wasn’t convinced he’d really do it. I spoke with the teacher and explained how shy he was. She suggested just letting him come in and try it. If he was still interested, we could sign up. So today, we made our way to the studio. He was scared, but excited. He went in for his class and told another little boy he was nervous, and the little boy said he was, too, then they both were thrown into learning steps and moves and didn’t have another moment to think about their butterflies. Parents weren’t allowed to go in, but there is a viewing window that I peeked through occasionally. He was transfixed, and he was dancing.
He came out of the class full of excitement and ready to tell me all about it. When we got in the car his first question was when his next class would be. When I told him next Wednesday, he was disappointed that it wasn’t tomorrow.
As soon as we got home, he wanted to show me some moves. Just wait, y’all may see these on TV one day! So, yeah, my baby signed up for Hip Hop classes, and he continues to surprise me every day.