While Christian has more of my personality, I suppose Jackson is more like his Daddy. He’s got that determination in him that could never have come from me. I feel sure if anyone ever tells this child he cannot do something, he’ll do it just to prove he can, then do it once more just for fun. He can be the sweetest little thing under the sun, free with hugs and kisses, telling you how much he loves you twenty times a day or mad as hell that things didn’t go his way and stomp off in a huff. He’s very competitive and doesn’t like losing. I don’t imagine he will be a follower for the simple fact that it would entail listening to someone else and giving up control. If things don’t go his way, we all know about it. He isn’t a fit thrower or anything, he just make sure his concerns or gripes are heard. Okay, that he could have gotten from either of us. And while he is a little shy at times, he seems confident in what he’s doing and much more willing to get out of his comfort zone when nudged. Both of my boys are beyond special, incredible really, and will be told that over and over, but Christian, like me, will constantly question it, Jackson won’t.
I still see the silliness in him that is definitely mine, or his feelings written all over his face like I do, but that confidence that makes him comfortable being the only 3 year old in the middle of and holding his own with the 8 year olds, that is his Daddy. It’s a trait I don’t have, but am proud he possesses. I love seeing his Daddy in him. When this child loves you, he does it with his whole little being, and it is good. I’m pretty sure I know where he got that.