We closed on the house a few weeks ago and we all went down for the weekend to check it out. It was empty, dusty and unfinished, so after a minor freak out on my part, we busted out the air mattresses and made the best of them. The first night the fire alarm went off which was a nice added bonus. The next day, I bought mattresses. Air mattresses just aren’t my cup of tea, besides, everything looks better after a good nights sleep. The boys left me Sunday and I got started trying to get everything else we needed. I spent the week shopping with Lindsay, unpacking and cleaning. By Friday, it was beginning to feel like ours.
The dogs made themselves at home immediately.
I had been shopping for the little things over the last few months, and I was truly amazed that as the furniture came in, it all seemed like it came together. It was like I meant for it to happen.
My bed is my favorite!
Miraculously, my glass lamps survived being shipped, packed, moved, stored, and moved again.
Christian loves his room, although, he could do without all the pillows. Really? One measly pillow? Um, ok!?
Jackson loves his room as well, but not as much as having his own cool bathroom with a big glass door on his tub. Seriously, it’s his favorite part and I don’t even have a picture! I didn’t bring the right lens so I could capture the whole room, but you get the idea.
I was missing my boys so much by the time Spring Break arrived that I couldn’t wait for them to get there! I don’t think I’ve ever spent five days away from them all. Sure the pantry wasn’t built, and the bunk room unfinished, but everyone was impressed with the new place. The back yard held the most appeal.
Spring Break at the new place was a huge success!