Selective color is usually not my thang, but in this case, I kinda like it. Last night we came upstairs and couldn’t find the boys. Usually that means they are hiding so we immediately checked all their favorite hiding spots. This is where we found them, piled up in the bed reading, Christian trying to finish his chapter book to rack up some AR points, and Jackson not wanting to be left out. He could care less about AR at this point in his life. Christian said, “She even brings the camera when we are just reading in bed?!” I personally thought the camera was warranted. I don’t ever want to forget this moment, and that is exactly what pictures are for. Can I get an Amen?? Okay, whatever.
So, for those of you that care, and it’s quite alright if you don’t, which one do you like better? 1. selective color 2. black and white 3. color and 4. Who gives a shit, quit talking about photography stuff because no one cares. Can I get another Amen?