Last month, my man was the Student of the Month!! How cool is that? His name is going to be in the paper at some point. Unfortunately, we don’t know which paper, or when we should expect it. Still, Student of the Month is pretty big.I was Student of the Month once. It was my senior year and it was for May, which is pretty late in the year, as in the END of the year. I guess I should mention that I only had twenty people in my graduating class, so there were eight people in front of me and only eleven behind. Basically, I kicked eleven people’s ass for the honor.
Christian did better than his mom. He was January’s Student of the Month, and his class has twenty-four people. So, only four people beat him to it, and he left nineteen kids in the dust. That’s probably not the way to look at it, and I’m quite sure he has not. Me, on the other hand, I can look at it any way I want. He’s my kid and a fellow Student of the Month recipient. It gives me privileges.