My Momma is Wearing Me OUT!

20081123_3962First, let me say, welcome to my new blog. Ok, now, back to the regularly scheduled program. Jackson is my little partner in crime this weekend. With everyone else hunting, Jack Jack has to hang with me. This means late nights and late mornings, except the late morning thing just didn’t work out. I found out this morning why Jackson has been getting up every morning at 7:30. His watch alarm keeps going off… AT 7:30!!! Over and over! So, we were up. By lunch time, Jackson was tired, grumpy, and just plain ole’ mean. He had to take a nap, there was just no getting around it. I have the watch alarm under control, and hopefully tomorrow we will sleep until 10 and be well rested for the day. Well, that’s my plan. I’ll let you know how it goes. Oh, and just so you know, Jackson is really tired in this picture. He normally doesn’t look so spaced out.