I just realized that I never went back and looked through the Christmas pictures and posted some. Turns out that there was a reason for that… I didn’t take many. I’m pretty good about day to day, but holidays, I totally suck! If there are ample photo opportunities, I forget to get my camera out. What’s up with that? I’m going to guess that it’s because I want to be present in those moments, and not stuck behind a lens, but honestly, I’m not sure if that’s really it. I feel present with a camera, too. Maybe it’s that I don’t like to break out the camera as much when others are around. What is up with THAT??? Or maybe I’m just busy. Or maybe it’s that I hate the flash so much and it’s always so dark inside. Maybe there isn’t an answer as to why, and maybe no one cares, so, lets just see a few of what I did manage to take.We always make cookies for Santa with Maw Maw and Paw Paw before Christmas, but this year everything was so crazy busy, it was just the boys and me. We were all so tired that I almost skipped it, but at the last minute after a day of candy making, I threw it together and we stayed up late to ice them. I took a picture to show everyone our mad icing skills. Don’t be jealous.
We open gifts on Christmas Eve over at Maw Maw & Paw Paw’s, but we decided to give the boys their gifts from us a little early. I painted some boxes to match their rooms, and put some goodies inside. The main, and apparently most exciting thing in the boxes… drum-roll please… football cards. These boys get crazy excited over football cards. They’ve spent hours since Christmas looking at and organizing them in the binders Mam Maw gave them.
We headed down the street to Mom’s house to open presents and eat gumbo later that afternoon.
I failed to take pictures there, too. We all had a great time and lived happily ever after. The End.
Maybe I’ll find some more, but if not… Merry Christmas!