Moving In

Moving Jackson up to Oxford was so quick, we almost missed it. We got up so early, and Scott rode with Jackson. We were there by noon, and we were behind Brady by a few hours. The curtain rod kept falling, they didn’t have a chair or sofa yet, and even though we had made some sort of plan, it didn’t quite look like it. They did have two refrigerators and a party sign up, so I feel like the rest will fall into place. There was no time for picture taking, unless it was a cell phone, and Jackson didn’t really want much help other than moving everything up to the 9th floor and making the bed. I’m not sure if he will ever remember where his cleaning stuff is, or find all his shorts, but he seemed happy, and three or four hours or so later we left him and headed to our room at The Inn. He proceeded having the time of his life.

We did get to say goodbye the next day, so more to come!