More Yucky Chin Pics

So, Jackson had a scrimmage game Thursday night and was playing 2nd base. A hard hit ball came his way and right at the last minute took a bad hop, and you guessed it, hit him dead in his stitches. I swear it was in slow motion! There was blood, and I went running. I was pretty sure that it had torn the stitches and re-opened the whole thing, but Scott didn’t believe me. We’ll talk about how dumb he can be later. I sat in the dugout with my little man and cleaned up blood and tears. The tears didn’t last too long, but I was ready to run him back to the ER. That’s when Scott asked him if he wanted to go back out in the field. OUT IN THE FIELD? Um, really??? He told Jackson he could play any position he wanted and my little daredevil wanted to play pitcher. Not right field, not catcher with protective gear and such, but the busiest spot on a machine pitch field…So, with blood on his uniform, and maybe a tad of fear in his heart, he took the mound. I almost cried. What idiot puts their kid back in the field with an open bleeding wound? Oh yeah, I told you we’d get back to the dumb husband part, well, we are there. Jack-Smack did a fantastic job, made three outs, and got back on the horse and all, but the other coach overheard a kid from the other team say, “That boy should NOT be on the baseball field,” and pointed at Jackson. Amazing that a 2nd grader saw that when a 40-something year old man missed it. We came home, and I called the doctor and asked what to do. Whaddaya know, he sent us back to the ER.They cleaned it up, removed the torn stitches, but decided against closing it up again because of risk of infection. Then, they gave me a name of a plastic surgeon for a scar revision if it became necessary and sent us home with some antibiotic cream and instructions. Here is Jackson watching some basketball in the ER. AGAIN!
Here is the part where I tell you this is gross, and if you don’t want to see it, don’t scroll down. It looks even nastier today, so at least I’ll spare you that…













He has another game tomorrow and I just don’t think his face can take it. He’s planning on sitting the bench, and as much as I know he’ll hate that, I hope he doesn’t change his mind!