I had to break this up into two posts because while we were out close to the islands, we ran across about ten dolphins. TEN DOLPHINS!!! Scott followed them around for about an hour and let me take pictures. They were just hanging out so we didn’t have to go far. I took over 300 pics. I brought a zoom lens that I just can’t get into, but after this, I guess I am a fan. I loved the pictures. Or maybe I just love the dolphins.
They were being playful and could have cared less that we were watching them.
I think Scott said we were about 7 miles out, and for any photography nerds, the compression of the background using a 400mm lens is just crazy. I’m not even sure if that is how you say that, but I know what I mean. I can’t believe we can see the bridge. I didn’t even notice it when I was taking the picture. I could have been distracted by the amazingness that was going on, but still…
A pelican decided to make an appearance.
Pelicans and dolphins??? Are you kidding me??
You can see the reflection of the pelican in the water on the next one.
That is a dolphin belly. He was doing a back flip. Could it get any better than that?
Then, I thought I saw a baby. Yeah, my day was complete. That is all.