Jackson met his teacher today, well, he already knew her, but he officially met her as his new 2nd grade teacher! We’ve been trying to get this kid to get a haircut before school starts, but he’s not having it. Truthfully, I love his hair shaggy like this. I’m a little proud that he’s fighting the power! Here he is in his new desk with hair hanging all in his eyes. He was intentionally hiding behind that hair, probably because he was mortified I was taking pictures. I just hope he can see the board.
He’s really excited about the whole business, can’t you tell?
All of his buddies are in other classrooms, and he isn’t too thrilled about that. I still think it’s going to be a great year. His teacher is so nice, and his brother is really worried about his well-being. Oh wait, let me take this very important call.
We filled out the 30 forms, picked up his school supplies, turned in everything and got him all set up. Then we walked right out the door and left the folder containing all our paperwork sitting on his desk. Not to worry, his new nice teacher is going to send everything home Thursday. I bet she is real excited to have a room mom that is so organized. She’s desperately searching for other volunteers as we speak.
I know he’s a little nervous, but somewhere deep inside, there is some excitement. See that swing in his step? Wait, maybe that’s just the hair…