I love going home for the Mardi Gras parade. It’s not like we are far away or anything, but I still manage to see people I haven’t seen in 15 years. Susan was in town and invited us over to her Aunt’s tent in front of the old high school. They had food, drinks and even bathrooms. We had a blast. Here is Susan’s oldest and my oldest comparing beads.
Unfortunately, I only got the camera out for a couple of minutes, so I don’t have many pictures. I can’t believe I didn’t even get one of me & Su! We were just too busy, I guess. Besides, it’s hard to snap pictures with one hand while you hold your Bloody Mary in the other. Christian was happy he made it to a parade this year, and caught plenty of beads. He even saved some for his little brother who chose to stay back at home with MawMaw & PawPaw. We had the best time, and Susan, thanks so much for inviting us! It was so good to see y’all, oh, and you make the best Bloody Marys in the world!